Our Code of Ethics


In no way can the belief that one is acting for the benefit of the company justify the adoption of behavior that is contrary to our principles and ethical standards. Although we are not a public administration or an organization subject to strict regulations, we have nevertheless voluntarily been guided by the rigorous principles and guidelines indicated by our Code of Ethics. All those who work for the Company, without distinction or exception, are committed to observing and enforcing these principles within the scope of their duties and responsibilities.


Our Proactive Commitment

Not just words, we proactively audit our company to maintain the highest standards for workers’ rights. We obtained the Social Accountability International certification (SA8000), which reflects our commitment to uphold not only the standards we set for ourselves, but also internationally recognized standards on human and workers’ rights.


Equality and Inclusion


We strongly believe that gender equality, diversity, and inclusion are fundamental values for creating an open, respectful, and plural working environment where everyone can express their full potential. For this reason, eXact recognizes and intends to guarantee the value of the principles of gender equality, diversity, and inclusion as integral parts of its culture and actions. As a reflection of these beliefs, we have implemented a “Gender Equality and Inclusion Plan” in our offices in Italy, serving as a guideline for all individuals operating within eXact